They say that writing never takes a break.
I have to agree with that.
Although the last few weeks have been slow on the writing front with me taking some personal time, The ideas and characters continue to form and take life within my mind. Here's an update for everyone on just what has been going on in the world of writing as it relates to me.
Vex and Reia have gone through some changes throughout the writing process from what their roles were originally and I must say that I feel that they are heading in an amazing direction and it makes the resolution to the first book quite an amazing concept for me to write.
Although many of you might have a notion of what will happen next in the story, Some of you may be surprised at the shift in tone that comes by the end of the fifth chapter.
Without giving too much away it should be known that Vex is going to go through a dramatic change. To answer some of your questions that have arisen, YES, He is going to awaken to his own affinity within the course of the book but the way in which it happens is going to take him down a very dark road. This isn't to say that it will change his character per say but rather will change certain perspectives about the way that his mind works.
I've mentioned a bit of this before in the "Q and A" Blog post awhile back. If you've yet to read it you can do so HERE to find out some more insight into Book 1 and Vex's story.
But I really wanted to take this time to explain a bit of what can be expected in the future of the series.
First of all, Faedlands is going to be a series rather then a stand alone book.
Each book in the series will focus on a different character within the world rather then focusing primarily around one individual. This I believe is the only way to truly bring each character to life and to get the whole story.
Although each book will consist of separate characters within the world all dealing with their own struggles, The stories will contain a underlying story arc that will push the series forward. This is not to say that each book MUST be read in order as each book will consist of self contained stories that will (In most cases) wrap themselves up by the books end. But reading them in order will surely add additional depth to the overall product and understanding.
So far, several stories have really stuck out to me that I want to explore a bit more of. As I have been writing the story Tirys has really stood out to me and therefore I took some time to explore some background for him initially to add depth to his character within Vex and Reia's book. Before I knew it I had a "Blueprint" of 6 pages worth of backstory that really lent itself well to forming where I wanted his character to go. As time went by I expanded on this bit by bit and now have enough material to say that he will most likely be getting his own book possibly as soon as book 2.
Another element that stood out to me was delving a bit more into the Winter Side and how the political system (Or rather lack of one) works. As I stated, The winter court is in a state of martial law with the armies of the former queen taking control of the residents and court. While they maintain a level of security in some aspects, "Justice" is carried out by a shadowy group of assassin's secretly contracted to take out anyone the court wishes.
In this I decided to look into the story of one of these assassins and explore this aspect of the world in a bit more detail.
To this the character of Fenris really jumped out to me. Fenris was originally penned as a werewolf character that I hadn't really given any specific story to as he does not appear within the first book. But as I began to pen details in the story really came to life and he became a perfect fit with what I wanted to do with this story.
As a bit of a fairy tale tie in there will also be a character that shares some symbolism with a certain crimson cloaked figure.
Lastly, although readers haven't met him yet within the posted material, A character named Iferion has his own story in the works however this won't be for some time to come as his story arc would dramatically change the world and it's inhabitants in a way that I'm not wanting to do so early in the story.
Many other characters have begun to surface too and I'm excited to see where everything begins to go in the future. I've decided that I don't care for deadlines or marketing at this stage and in this I'm really going to focus my efforts on making these stories the ones that I want to make and take the time to make sure that they are perfect before pushing myself to release them.
As always, thank you for your continued support, all of your kind words/RTs/shares and well wishes truly mean the world to me and make all of this effort worthwhile.
If you'd like to subscribe to this blog please do so by entering your email in the box provided to the top right of the sidebar to stay up to date on these posts. Your email will not be given out or displayed publicly.
Thank you :)
-Ryan Smith
I have to agree with that.
Although the last few weeks have been slow on the writing front with me taking some personal time, The ideas and characters continue to form and take life within my mind. Here's an update for everyone on just what has been going on in the world of writing as it relates to me.
Vex and Reia have gone through some changes throughout the writing process from what their roles were originally and I must say that I feel that they are heading in an amazing direction and it makes the resolution to the first book quite an amazing concept for me to write.
Although many of you might have a notion of what will happen next in the story, Some of you may be surprised at the shift in tone that comes by the end of the fifth chapter.
Without giving too much away it should be known that Vex is going to go through a dramatic change. To answer some of your questions that have arisen, YES, He is going to awaken to his own affinity within the course of the book but the way in which it happens is going to take him down a very dark road. This isn't to say that it will change his character per say but rather will change certain perspectives about the way that his mind works.
I've mentioned a bit of this before in the "Q and A" Blog post awhile back. If you've yet to read it you can do so HERE to find out some more insight into Book 1 and Vex's story.
But I really wanted to take this time to explain a bit of what can be expected in the future of the series.
First of all, Faedlands is going to be a series rather then a stand alone book.
Each book in the series will focus on a different character within the world rather then focusing primarily around one individual. This I believe is the only way to truly bring each character to life and to get the whole story.
Although each book will consist of separate characters within the world all dealing with their own struggles, The stories will contain a underlying story arc that will push the series forward. This is not to say that each book MUST be read in order as each book will consist of self contained stories that will (In most cases) wrap themselves up by the books end. But reading them in order will surely add additional depth to the overall product and understanding.
So far, several stories have really stuck out to me that I want to explore a bit more of. As I have been writing the story Tirys has really stood out to me and therefore I took some time to explore some background for him initially to add depth to his character within Vex and Reia's book. Before I knew it I had a "Blueprint" of 6 pages worth of backstory that really lent itself well to forming where I wanted his character to go. As time went by I expanded on this bit by bit and now have enough material to say that he will most likely be getting his own book possibly as soon as book 2.
Another element that stood out to me was delving a bit more into the Winter Side and how the political system (Or rather lack of one) works. As I stated, The winter court is in a state of martial law with the armies of the former queen taking control of the residents and court. While they maintain a level of security in some aspects, "Justice" is carried out by a shadowy group of assassin's secretly contracted to take out anyone the court wishes.
In this I decided to look into the story of one of these assassins and explore this aspect of the world in a bit more detail.
To this the character of Fenris really jumped out to me. Fenris was originally penned as a werewolf character that I hadn't really given any specific story to as he does not appear within the first book. But as I began to pen details in the story really came to life and he became a perfect fit with what I wanted to do with this story.
As a bit of a fairy tale tie in there will also be a character that shares some symbolism with a certain crimson cloaked figure.
Lastly, although readers haven't met him yet within the posted material, A character named Iferion has his own story in the works however this won't be for some time to come as his story arc would dramatically change the world and it's inhabitants in a way that I'm not wanting to do so early in the story.
Many other characters have begun to surface too and I'm excited to see where everything begins to go in the future. I've decided that I don't care for deadlines or marketing at this stage and in this I'm really going to focus my efforts on making these stories the ones that I want to make and take the time to make sure that they are perfect before pushing myself to release them.
As always, thank you for your continued support, all of your kind words/RTs/shares and well wishes truly mean the world to me and make all of this effort worthwhile.
If you'd like to subscribe to this blog please do so by entering your email in the box provided to the top right of the sidebar to stay up to date on these posts. Your email will not be given out or displayed publicly.
Thank you :)
-Ryan Smith