Once Upon a Time...
This phrase has spawned some of the most beautiful and imaginative works in human history. The phrase alone sparks a sense of wonder and most people will instantly think of something magical and beyond the realm of this world just by reading those words.
That's the power of writing. To take you (The reader) to places that you can only visit in your dreams.
In this, The Faedlands are a dream for me.
That's the power of writing. To take you (The reader) to places that you can only visit in your dreams.
In this, The Faedlands are a dream for me.
The Story of the Faedlands began before the birth of my son Chase. I had been coloring in one of those fuzzy velvet posters and taking forever with it because I wanted it to be perfect and hang it in his room. It was a poster of a Knight fighting a large Dragon. It's a pretty common poster to see around if you look at them in stores but I wanted to make it unique and so I spent weeks coloring it in, adding designs and even hid his name and a "From Daddy" within the glowing runes that I made running down the dragons side. The poster was completed the night before he was delivered. Perfect timing in every sense of the word.
Chase came into the world on January 23rd. And when he was born I wanted to do something special for my little boy. Since I tend to write a lot anyway I decided that writing a fairy tale for him would be perfect. Having a story that we could share in and that I could read to him at night. I continued to work on Nocturne as it was my main project but my mind always drifted back to Dragons and fairy creatures and what their world would be like. I figured that I still had time to write it whenever I got around to it. But life has a way of changing things. Chase Passed Away on May 6th 2011 at 3 and a half months old from SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
Everything in my life was put on hold. And as the year moved on the sense of loss did not waiver. But as what would have been his 1st Birthday came I remembered that I promised myself I would write a story with Dragons and magical creatures. And since then I have put everything else aside and have dedicated myself to this project.
And the Faedlands were born.
Although not quite what I had initially envisioned the project as I am working to create a land full of magic and mystery. Characters that are complex and yet fit seamlessly into the world I am creating.
While in it's current state the story has turned to fit my own writing style and mixes the darker elements that I'm known for but allowing the light to shine through and prevail. Not quite the fairy tales I had imagined but instead a fantasy mixed with familiar imagery and references to the classic tales. These tales are unlike anything I've ever worked on and I'm a bit lost in all of it. But at the end of the day my beautiful son taught me that Love and happiness can solve every problem and every story that gets added to this world is in dedication to the way my little guy lived his life. Happy and Loved.
The Faedlands are being created and written based on the ideas from myself and Traci, my wonderful fiance and Chase's loving mother.
We Dedicate these stories to Him and the Beauty that he showed us in his short time in this world.
If you or a family member/friend have experienced the loss of a child and would like support, Please follow the link at the bottom of this page for support in your area. You do not have to do this alone.
Everything in my life was put on hold. And as the year moved on the sense of loss did not waiver. But as what would have been his 1st Birthday came I remembered that I promised myself I would write a story with Dragons and magical creatures. And since then I have put everything else aside and have dedicated myself to this project.
And the Faedlands were born.
Although not quite what I had initially envisioned the project as I am working to create a land full of magic and mystery. Characters that are complex and yet fit seamlessly into the world I am creating.
While in it's current state the story has turned to fit my own writing style and mixes the darker elements that I'm known for but allowing the light to shine through and prevail. Not quite the fairy tales I had imagined but instead a fantasy mixed with familiar imagery and references to the classic tales. These tales are unlike anything I've ever worked on and I'm a bit lost in all of it. But at the end of the day my beautiful son taught me that Love and happiness can solve every problem and every story that gets added to this world is in dedication to the way my little guy lived his life. Happy and Loved.
The Faedlands are being created and written based on the ideas from myself and Traci, my wonderful fiance and Chase's loving mother.
We Dedicate these stories to Him and the Beauty that he showed us in his short time in this world.
If you or a family member/friend have experienced the loss of a child and would like support, Please follow the link at the bottom of this page for support in your area. You do not have to do this alone.
Note to Parents who have (Or know someone who has) experienced Loss.
Dealing with the loss of a child is something no one should have to experience alone. As I have learned with the passing of my son, Leaning on each other during this time is wonderful but keep in mind that they are also going through the same feelings of loss as you are. Sometimes we all need someone to help us through.
If you or a loved one is seeing this post and would like additional support moving forward in this trying time, Please visit:
If you or a loved one is seeing this post and would like additional support moving forward in this trying time, Please visit:
Please feel free to contact them for events/support in your area. They helped Traci and myself immensely and are their to help any way they can.
-Ryan A. Smith
-Ryan A. Smith